Shooting for the stars 🚀

The various categories of projects I've worked on
can be found below

Software Engineering

With a background in Software Engineering, many of my projects use a variety of tech stacks ranging from front end frameworks like Svelte, to backend services built on Express.

Film and Media

Not everything is cold lifeless code! I also work part time as a VFX Artist and like to make music as well.

Game Design

In the modern era of AAA quality homebrew games, having a strong developer's spirit is essential. I have worked in VR game design in the past, and build games using Unity3D and Unreal Engine 4.


A web application that guesses your facial emotion using a trained Face API model and creates a unique Spotify playlist based on your emotions! Tech Stack: React, ExpressJS, and Firebase.

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PlotGuesser AI

Give the website a movie title and watch it try and guess what the movie is about based on its IMDb synopsis. Uses the OpenAI GPT-2 (117M) natural language processing model which can sometimes produce crazy results! Tech Stack: HTML5, JS, REST

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Despite living in a hard-coded reality where my whole world is technical and structured, music offers a more ambiguous escape into a land of make-believe where the limits of my creativity are challenged.

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